The Story of Democraczy: Chapter Seventeen

by Martin Gantman

Secrecy                                                1,917 AD

Capitalism and . . . Globalization              1,787 AD

The Theological Impulse                         1,775 AD

Morphosis of a Citizen                            1,819 AD

Freedom of . . .                                     1,791 AD

Revolution                                             1,775 AD

Enlightenment and Romanticism              1,700 AD

Very Early Modern                                 1,500 AD

Late Middle Ages                                   1,300 AD

High Middle Ages                                   1,000 AD

Early Middle Ages                                     400 AD

Pericles:                                                   450 BC

Ephialtes:                                                 465 BC

Cleisthenes:                                              500 BC

Solon:                                                      600 BC

Hammurabi:                                           1,800 BC

Ur Nammu:                                            2,000 BC

Gilgamesh:                                             2,500 BC

Sumeria:                                                5,300 BC

Lascaux:                                              30,000 BC

Religious activity:                                100,000 BC

Homo sapiens:                                    130,000 BC

Homo erectus:                                 1,500,000 BC

Homo habilis:                                   2,500,000 BC



“The attack on the New York Harbor and, more broadly, the beginning of the United States involvement in World War I marked the birth of the modern secrecy movement. During the first days of World War I, the Army implemented the first modern information-classification system. And just weeks after the United States entered the war, Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917, which made it unlawful to disseminate information relating to the broad categories of national defense or public defense.”

–       John D. Podesta and Judd C. Legum


For me there is almost nothing ””””” ”””””” ”””””””””””””’ ”””””””””””””” the concept of democracy than the ””””””””””””””’ ””’ ”””””’ secrecy. For starters, openness ””’ ””””’ ””””””””””” ”””””””””””’ ””” ”’ ”””””””””””’ ””””””””””””””’  ”” is impossible ””’ ””””””’ ””” ””””””””””’ ”””””””””’ ””’ ”””””””””””’ without it. For a ”””””” ”””””””””””’ ””””” ”””””””” to have the ”””””””’ ””’ ”””””””” ””””””’ ””””’ ”””””””’ ””’ ”” whim is ””””””””””””” ””’ democracy’s mandate.


Aside ”””””” ”””””””””” ””’ ””””””””””’ ””””””””””””””””’ on the Constitution or infractions of law, or of circumventing or interfering with the legal system, there is a ””””””””””””””””’ elite who ”””””’ ”””””’ can, with the ””””””” ””’ ”””””’ Sharpie, ””””””””””’ information ””””” ”””””’ ”””””””” ”””””” ”””’ ”””””””’ ”” ””””” ””””””””””””””’


One other side ””””””’ ””’ ””””””””””””””’ ””””’ ”””””””” secrecy ”” ””””’ bureaucracies, ”””””””’ ” ”””””” ””””” ”””’ ”’ ”””””””””””” ”””””””””””””’ ””’ ””” effective ””””””””””””” ”””””””””’ ””””’ ”””””” ”’ tool ””” ””””””’ ””’ ””””””””””” ””’ obstruct ””””””””””””””””” ”””””””””””’ ”” ””””” ””””””””””””’.
